Finally, I get the I-20 from University of Houston-Clear Lake.

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zyfang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


zyfang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There was a massacre happened this morning. There were 33 people died in this massacre include the killer suicided himself. The gunman who is a Korean American brought two guns bullets in two months. First, he went to a dormitory and killed two people. One is a female student and another is a teacher. Then, he went to Norris Hall building and did that crazy movement. That shocks everyone and becomes the most serious campus massacre.
Watching the scene that all students hold the lights and gather together at the square, they mourn for those victims in this massacre. I cannot image that if this happened on me. It is no doubt that the gunman has mental problems. However, another serious problem is gun problem in the US. Everyone can buy guns in the US, and it even easier than having driving licence. Every year over thirty thousand people died because of gun shooting. I think that US Government should restrain people have guns.

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第一件事情是上禮拜四..跟同學考完試之後兩個去吃飯..吃到太硬的肉..剛開始就有肉卡在我的假牙的牙縫中..當下的反應就是想著希望我的假牙可別掉阿..可是天不從人願..真的過沒多久..我的假牙真的掉了..=.=" 原本沒計畫要回台灣一趟的..不過看來這暑假還是得回台灣補補牙了..

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